Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Graduation Project

Ive heard the graduation project is suppose to be very challenging, but also should be successful if you stay on track and up-to-date. I know two people who have had very different experiences that are now going to be graduating. Rell, told me she struggled with hers because at first she didnt take it very seriously and now she realizes she could have done better. Luckly, she passed. Angela did great on her graduation project and recieved an A.

Im not completly sure about my topic just yet but i know it very well may have something to do with either music, hair, violence, or bullying. Ive been trying to look at different topics other people have done but i really want something I have a true passion for and that varies down to Music, and Hair.

I am very concerned about my research, mainly because Ive never done to well with research. This is also why I need something I am interested in because I will be more motivated and willing to put all of my effort into it. I am also concerned about finding a true topic for myself and a hypothesis. I need a firm base to begin with , but at the moment I am completly cluless about what it may be.

If I could I'd base my project a lil on both music and hair.........I just dont know how that would even out in the end.

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