Friday, January 23, 2009

Poetry and Therapy?

I’ve noticed that I write poetry every day, never missed a chance to express myself through powerful words. When I’m angry or heartbroken or even happy. I write everything down, not like a report or a homework assignment, but with a flow, passion overcomes my words and my emotions spill all over my paper at once independently organizing them into a message, a message for me to understand. Helping me understand myself, to look at myself in a different way. My poetry doesn’t always rhyme and isn’t always about me. Whatever I’m feeling or noticing finds its way onto a sheet of paper, like a book about the world in simple words. As you can see I have a passion for writing as I please. This is why I’ve chosen my project as an experiment. Is poetry a form a therapy? Yes. How does poetry act as a form of therapy? This is my project. Anyone with any ideas of how I should lead my project or which direction I should go in.

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