Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Stuck In A Daze

I dont know where to go from here, im not getting the proper help that I need. I need a poet to talk to. I think I might e-mail Key'Ishia's mom, because she is a poet who has a book of poetry published. Maby this will give me some of the proper help im looking for. I cant find to many good enough websites to help me either. There is alot of good information and very few websites but my information is just streched out to a dull limit with the rest. I wonder if I can contribute more to my project by actually writting my own poetry. Maby I could have a poetry contest not the whole setting and all but people who enter their poems and win a prize. like getting it published. I know people who can publish poems, I almost had some of my own published but the library cancelled the meetings. I also need to fix my did you know points

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