Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Nothing I complete is acceptable, I thought my presentation was okay but not according to Ms. Savido but I guess she means well. I have effortless questions and answers, it seems like I’m doing my work just to get through, I need a pace, a steady pace I could work at. I need to go back to the beginning and retrace what I have and what I can improve…EVERYTHING! Ugh…this is so stressful, having to cancel and rearrange things so that I can attend the poetry therapy meetings to get research. I have to do what I have to do, and that involves making sacrifices. Life sucks…I need a VACATION! I don’t even know where to go with my research…Ms. Savido told me to search under writing rather than poetry to get more info. Im going to try it and hopefully it can help me in all my research.

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