Monday, March 16, 2009


I worked on my notes today and had some difficulty finding answers to some of my questions. I checked to see if Ms laurie emailed me back yet, but she didnt so I just continued with my notes.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Nothing I complete is acceptable, I thought my presentation was okay but not according to Ms. Savido but I guess she means well. I have effortless questions and answers, it seems like I’m doing my work just to get through, I need a pace, a steady pace I could work at. I need to go back to the beginning and retrace what I have and what I can improve…EVERYTHING! Ugh…this is so stressful, having to cancel and rearrange things so that I can attend the poetry therapy meetings to get research. I have to do what I have to do, and that involves making sacrifices. Life sucks…I need a VACATION! I don’t even know where to go with my research…Ms. Savido told me to search under writing rather than poetry to get more info. Im going to try it and hopefully it can help me in all my research.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Stuck In A Daze

I dont know where to go from here, im not getting the proper help that I need. I need a poet to talk to. I think I might e-mail Key'Ishia's mom, because she is a poet who has a book of poetry published. Maby this will give me some of the proper help im looking for. I cant find to many good enough websites to help me either. There is alot of good information and very few websites but my information is just streched out to a dull limit with the rest. I wonder if I can contribute more to my project by actually writting my own poetry. Maby I could have a poetry contest not the whole setting and all but people who enter their poems and win a prize. like getting it published. I know people who can publish poems, I almost had some of my own published but the library cancelled the meetings. I also need to fix my did you know points

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Did You Know.....?

· Poetry as therapy is as old as music
· Theropeutic writting is a New development in the expressive arts
· There is a NAPT ~ National Association for poetry therapy
· There are guidelines to writing poetry
· Historically, journals were used as written records.
· Writing in the morning can help drain cluttered thoughts
· Writing may reduce the needs for depressant medications

Monday, February 2, 2009

Foundation Questions

What is therapy?

What is poetry?

Is poetry the best way to express yourself?

How does your style of writing depend on what mood you’re in?

Why would someone need therapy?

How do you know writing will help you?

How can writing make you feel?

Are there rules or guidelines for writing for therapy, explain?

Are there different ways to present poetry?

Friday, January 23, 2009

Poetry and Therapy?

I’ve noticed that I write poetry every day, never missed a chance to express myself through powerful words. When I’m angry or heartbroken or even happy. I write everything down, not like a report or a homework assignment, but with a flow, passion overcomes my words and my emotions spill all over my paper at once independently organizing them into a message, a message for me to understand. Helping me understand myself, to look at myself in a different way. My poetry doesn’t always rhyme and isn’t always about me. Whatever I’m feeling or noticing finds its way onto a sheet of paper, like a book about the world in simple words. As you can see I have a passion for writing as I please. This is why I’ve chosen my project as an experiment. Is poetry a form a therapy? Yes. How does poetry act as a form of therapy? This is my project. Anyone with any ideas of how I should lead my project or which direction I should go in.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Now I’m thinking about what emotional connection music has with people. There are songs that make you laugh, cry, angry, make you think, and songs you either do or don't like. With songs you do or do not like there is a reason for your reactions. Why songs make you feel different emotions may deal with life issues, how you were raised. Music is almost like the center of the universe, anything can make a song rather it be a good one or not. Everything has a pattern to their life that can either relate to poetry or music in other ways both. I am having a difficult time searching for information on my topic.